Table of Contents

Hints for Windows users

Both compilers which are used for building firmware (sdcc for FX2 and gcc for FX3) come from the Unix-world. They have been ported to Windows but unfortunately Windows is a quite unfriendly environment for such programs. Some SDK's hide this behind an IDE (e.g. the Cypress FX3 SDK is delivered with Eclipse). ZTEX does no go this way.

The building rules of the ZTEX SDK are described by platform and IDE independent Makfiles. This tutorial gives you some hints for setting up the development environment and describes how the SDK can be integrated into an IDE.


IDE integration

  1. find sh.exe or bash.exe of your MSys(2) Installation. Both shells work. On the test system it is c:\mingw\msys\1.0\bin\bash.exe and the SDK is installed in s:\ztex
  2. In order to build a target using the Makefile rules:
    c:\mingw\msys\1.0\bin\bash -l -c "make -C /s/ztex/examples/memfifo [<target>]"

    This builds a target of the memfifo example in examples/memfifo. Typical targets are all, img, ihx, jar, claen or distclean, see makefiles

Java host software can be compiled and executed without GNU tools. Just the class and JNI library location (in the example above: s:\ztex\java\java and s:\ztex\usb4java) has to be added to the CLASSPATH environment variable.