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en:software:fwloader [2022/09/09 10:10] – [Ordered options] [2023/10/30 17:32] (current) – [Ordered options] stefan
Line 41: Line 41:
 | -ic             | Print configuration data and flash info | | -ic             | Print configuration data and flash info |
 | -il             | Print log messages of FX3 based FPGA Boards | | -il             | Print log messages of FX3 based FPGA Boards |
 +| -is             | Print detailed FLASH/SPI info
 | -re             | Disable EZ-USB firmware in nonvolatile memory | | -re             | Disable EZ-USB firmware in nonvolatile memory |
 | -ue <firmware file>  | Upload EZ-USB Firmware to nonvolatile memory | | -ue <firmware file>  | Upload EZ-USB Firmware to nonvolatile memory |
Line 52: Line 53:
 | -rm             | Reset bitstream in Flash | | -rm             | Reset bitstream in Flash |
 | -bs 0<nowiki>|</nowiki>1<nowiki>|</nowiki>      | Bit swapping for bitstreams: 0: disable, 1: enable, A: automatic detection | | -bs 0<nowiki>|</nowiki>1<nowiki>|</nowiki>      | Bit swapping for bitstreams: 0: disable, 1: enable, A: automatic detection |
 +| -ff 0<nowiki>|</nowiki> | Inform the Default firmware whether the FPGA may access Flash memory. 1: FPGA can access Flash (default on FX2 based boards). 0: FPGA will not access Flash (default on FX3 based boards). Note: Changes take effect after restarting the firmware (-ru). |
 +| -fu <offset> <file> | Upload user data from file <file> to Flash memory. Start address in bytes relative to user space is given by <offset> and must be a sector boundary. |
 +| -fd <offset> <file> <len> | Download <len> bytes of user data from flash to file <file>. Start address in bytes relative to user space is given by <offset> and must be a sector boundary. |
 | -uxf <ihx file> | Upload Firmware / data  to ATxmega Flash | | -uxf <ihx file> | Upload Firmware / data  to ATxmega Flash |
 | -uxe <ihx file> | Upload data to ATxmega EEPROM |  | -uxe <ihx file> | Upload data to ATxmega EEPROM | 
en/software/fwloader.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/30 17:32 by stefan
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