Tutorial -- Compilation of an example

This tutorial explains how the (example) projects from the SDK can be build. The building rules are described by Makefile's, i.e. an appropriate GNU environment is required.

  1. Make sure that the System requirements are satisfied.
  2. Open Makefile.conf in the main directory of your SDK installation and edit it:
    • JAVAC_PATH should be point to the directory where javac(.exe) can be found. It must end with '/'. If location javac is in the PATH environment variable JAVAC_PATH can be empty
    • If you want compile FX3 firmware, FX3_INSTALL_PATH must point to to the Cypress FX3 SDK location (this directory should contain the directory firmware/u3p_firmware) and ARMGCC_INSTALL_PATH must point to the location of the ARM gcc cross compiler (this directory should contain the files bin/arm-*)
    • Avoid spaces in directory names. If this is not possible, escape them using '\', e.g. '/c/Program\ Files'. If this does not work (no guarantee for this), use symlinks (also see Hints for Windows users)
  3. Open a terminal (all proper OS) or start MSys (Windows).
  4. Let's assume you have installed the package under $HOME/ztex (Linux) or under c:\ztex (Windows) and you want to compile the example example/memfifo/. Go to the example directory, e.g. using
    cd $HOME/ztex/examples/memfifo

    under Linux, or

    cd /c/ztex/examples/memfifo       

    under windows.

  5. The command

    builds everything (including the firmware) and packs it into a .jar archive. (make distclean all enforces to rebuild everything)