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en:projects:start [2014/07/31 23:59] – [Examples from Users] stefan | en:projects:start [2023/10/30 20:25] (current) – stefan |
^ Directory ^ Description ^ | ^ Directory ^ Description ^ |
| ''[[en:ztex_boards:ztex_fpga_boards:memfifo:memfifo|examples/usb-fpga-2.*/*/memfifo]]'' | Example which demonstrates usage of memory and bi-directial high speed USB transfers | | | ''[[en:ztex_boards:ztex_fpga_boards:memfifo:memfifo|examples/usb-fpga-2.*/*/memfifo]]'' | Example which demonstrates usage of memory and bi-directial high speed USB transfers | |
| ''[[en:projects:ucecho_fpga|examples/usb_fpga-*/ucecho]]'' | Simple example for the [[http://www.ztex.de/usb-fpga-1|ZTEX FPGA Boards]] that converts strings entered by the user to uppercase using the FPGA | | |
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===== Examples from Users ===== | ===== Examples from Users ===== |
| [[en:projects:openadc|OpenADC]] | ADC Interface module with Python control platform | | | [[en:projects:openadc|OpenADC]] | ADC Interface module with Python control platform | |
| [[en:projects:ztexmicroblazemcsdemo| MicroblazeMCSDemo]] | Microblaze demo writing strings to LCD and USB | | | [[en:projects:ztexmicroblazemcsdemo| MicroblazeMCSDemo]] | Microblaze demo writing strings to LCD and USB | |
===== Software Projects from ZTEX ===== | |
The following software projects from ZTEX are based on the SDK but are no part of it. | |
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^ Name ^ Description ^ | |
| ''[[en:projects:btcminer|BTCMiner]]'' | Bitcoin Miner for ZTEX FPGA Boards| | |
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