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en:ztex_boards:ztex_fpga_boards:memfifo:usb_fpga_2_13 [2023/10/30 21:19] stefanen:ztex_boards:ztex_fpga_boards:memfifo:usb_fpga_2_13 [2023/10/30 21:20] (current) – [Memory tutorial for USB-FPGA-Modules 2.12, 2.13, 2.14 and 2.18]
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 ====== Memory tutorial for USB-FPGA-Modules 2.12, 2.13, 2.14 and 2.18 ====== ====== Memory tutorial for USB-FPGA-Modules 2.12, 2.13, 2.14 and 2.18 ======
-This tutorial explains the generation of the memory controller IP Core for for the [[memfifo|memfifo Example]]+This tutorial explains the generation of the memory controller IP Core for for the [[memfifo|memfifo Example]] [[|USB-FPGA-Modules 2.12]],
 [[|USB-FPGA-Modules 2.13]], [[|USB-FPGA-Modules 2.14]] and [[|USB-FPGA-Modules 2.18]]. [[|USB-FPGA-Modules 2.13]], [[|USB-FPGA-Modules 2.14]] and [[|USB-FPGA-Modules 2.18]].
en/ztex_boards/ztex_fpga_boards/memfifo/usb_fpga_2_13.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/30 21:20 by
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