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en:ztex_boards:ztex_fpga_boards:indirect_flash_programming [2016/09/11 14:24] stefanen:ztex_boards:ztex_fpga_boards:indirect_flash_programming [2023/10/30 17:35] (current) stefan
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-======  Indirect Programming of SPI Flash ======+======  Indirect Programming of SPI Flash via FPGA ======
-[[|ZTEX Series 2 FPGA Board]] have SPI Flash memory that can be used to store the Bitstream. Most comfortable way to write data to Flash is to use the SDK ([[en:software:deviceserver]], [[en:software:fwloader]] or the API). Nevertheless, on EZ-USB FX2 based FPGA Boards the SPI Flash can also be programmed indirectly through JTAG and FPGA using the Xilinx Impact tool+[[|ZTEX Series 2 FPGA Board]] have SPI Flash memory that can be used to store the Bitstream. Most comfortable way to write data to Flash is to use the SDK ([[en:software:deviceserver]], [[en:software:fwloader]] or the API). Nevertheless, on EZ-USB FX2 based FPGA Boards the SPI Flash can also be programmed indirectly through JTAG and FPGA using the Xilinx tools
 **The method described here does not work with EZ-USB FX3 based boards because they completely handle the FPGA configuration process per Firmware. ** **The method described here does not work with EZ-USB FX3 based boards because they completely handle the FPGA configuration process per Firmware. **
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 By default firmware only attempts to configure the FPGA from Flash if the bitstream size value in the settings memory (MAC-EEPROM) is larger than 0. This mechanism saves a lot of time if not bitstream is present, but only works if bitstream is written through the firmware. This behavior can be overwritten by specifying the firmware macro ''ENABLE_FLASH_BITSTREAM_FORCE;''. By default firmware only attempts to configure the FPGA from Flash if the bitstream size value in the settings memory (MAC-EEPROM) is larger than 0. This mechanism saves a lot of time if not bitstream is present, but only works if bitstream is written through the firmware. This behavior can be overwritten by specifying the firmware macro ''ENABLE_FLASH_BITSTREAM_FORCE;''.
 +Indirect programming of SPI Flash requires Flash access form FPGA, see [[en:ztex_boards:ztex_fpga_boards:flash_acces_from_fpga]].
en/ztex_boards/ztex_fpga_boards/indirect_flash_programming.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/30 17:35 by stefan
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